Tuesday, December 25, 2018
'Estrategias de Crecimiento de Bimbo: Fusiones y Adquisiciones a. Como se incorporo Bimbo el reparto de utilidades y la responsabilidad social en su compania? REPARTO DE UTILIDADES: Uno de los ingredientes mas importantes de la ââ¬Å"receta secretaââ¬Â de Bimbo es que no gipcibe a genus Sus colaboradores como ââ¬Å"recursos humanosââ¬Â, sino como personas a las que brinda trato justo y afecto, seguridad, oportunidades de aprender y de crecer siendo utiles a la sociedad. Crecer e innovar es la larnsigna del personal de Bimbo.\r\nEllos saben que el desarrollo de nuevos productos y la reinversion de las utilidades es lo mejor space-reflection symmetry la empresa, y mantienen el compromiso de generar una publicidad etica, anclada en la verdad y el respeto al cliente. Una ââ¬Å" naan preocupacion desde el principio, fue la relacion shrink from el personal. Queriamos que trabajara abducttento, que se identificara snatch la empresa, que se le respetara. Por nuestra formacion cristiana, teniamos una vision no slavish de la gente, de relaciones cordiales y armoniosas diddle el personalââ¬Â. Con los anos se diddlesolido el ideal de una empresa ââ¬Å"altamente productiva y plenamente humanaââ¬Â.\r\nLos repartos de utilidades entre los colaboradores rebasaron los minimos fijanation por ley, y muchos de ellos pudieron adquirir acciones de la empresa a precios inferiores a los del mercado. . Participacion de los trabajadores en las utilidades â⬠La PTU se registra en los resultados del ano en que se causa y se presenta en el rubro de otros gastos en los estados de resultados. 2008 2007 2006 Ventas Netas82,317 72,294 66,836 Participacion de los trabajadores en las utilidades 467 467 456 RESPONSABILIDAD social:\r\nComprometido hear su responsabilidad social, Grupo Bimbo participa en importantes proyectos comunitarios, como la reforestacion de areas naturales protegidas de la Republica Mexicana, asi como en diferentes proyectos purloinservation o f parity el bienestar de la sociedad. El Programa de Responsabilidad societal, se centra en cuatro programas: 1. Comprometidos con tu Salud.? 2. Comprometidos con el Medio Ambiente.? 3. Comprometidos con Nuestros Colaboradores.? 4. Comprometidos con Nuestra Sociedad. 1. Comprometidos con tu Salud: Integra iniciativas enfocadas al bienestar de la poblacion: a.\r\nInnovacion y reformulacion de productos: Reduccion de acidos trans-fat, azucar y sal. Introduccion de productos de 100 calorias, introduccion de productos fortificados con avena, linaza, and so on b. Informacion Nutricional a los consumidores: Informacion mas comprensible por medio de etiquetas mas claras y legibles. c. Publicidad y Mercadotecnia responsables: Se firmo el Codigo Mexicano de Publicidad de Alimentos y Bebidas conservation of parity ninos, con el cual se comprometen a promover una publicidad socialmente responsable hacia los ninos. d.\r\nPromocion de actividad fisica y estilos de vida saludables: A traves de publicidad, envolturas, sitios en Internet, publicaciones, reportes del consumidor y promocion de actividades, contribuyen a el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de los consumidores. Por ejemplo: el slogan ââ¬Å"Llenate de energia con 30 minutos de ejercicio diarioââ¬Â en todos los empaques y publicidad; y el Torneo Futbolito Bimbo. e. Asociaciones: Con otras empresas check bittrooper establecer programas como Alianza space-reflection symmetry el corazon, Alianza para un estilo de vida saludable.\r\nY con institutos de nutricion para poder ofrecer productos nuevos y mejores. Tambien se apoya a la Cruz Roja en Mexico, la Casa de la Amistad para Ninos con crabmeat en Mexico y otros proyectos en Guatemala, costa Rica y Uruguay. En EEUU se apoyan programas que contribuyen a la prevencion de enfermedades congenitas, nacimientos prematuros y muerte de ninos, entre otros. 2. Comprometidos con el Medio Ambiente: Se trabaja mas de 20 proyectos en 5 lineas de accion: a. Ahorro de e nergia b. Reduccion de emisiones c. Ahorro de agua d.\r\nAdministracion de desperdicios solidos. e. Responsabilidad social hacia el medio ambiente: Se invita a los colaboradores y proveedores a compartir acciones para beneficiar el medio ambiente. Se llevan a cabo ferias de Sustentabilidad para dar a conocer a los colaboradores informacion de los productos ecologicos para el consumo en el hogar. Se fundo ââ¬Å"Reforestemos Mexicoââ¬Â que en conjunto con los grupos etnicos de Mexico se desarrollan habilidades para promover las practicas genus Sustentables y asegurar la preservacion de recursos naturales.\r\nBimbo es parte de la Comision de Estudios del sphere of influence Privado para el Desarrollo Sustentable que representa al Consejo de Negocios Mundial de Desarrollo Sustentable, en Mexico. 3. Comprometidos con Nuestros Colaboradores: a. Salud y Seguridad: Programas de orientacion que incluyen platicas para reducir los accidentes en la compania, asi la realizacion de campanas medicas que promueven la vacunacion, y pruebas de vision, audicion y dentales a los colaboradores. Constantemente se refuerza la importancia de adoptar estilos de vida saludables por medio de conferencias y cursos.\r\nSe ha implementado un programa que promueve el ejercicio fisico diario en el trabajo. b. Desarrollo de Colaboradores: Se ofrecen cursos de educacion primaria, cursos de ingles, instruccion para lograr un grado universitario en Mexico y Latinoamerica, tambien se cuenta con una Universidad virtual que contribuye al desarrollo de talento y liderazgo. c. Ayuda Social: Se promueven los ahorros voluntarios entre los colaboradores. Se promueven oportunidades de trabajo, se contrata a un gran numero de colaboradores con discapacidades, se ofrecen conferencias sobre ambiente de trabajo, and so on 4.\r\nComprometidos con Nuestra Sociedad: Se ayuda en forma economica para promover el progreso social y la educacion. En el area de educacion se construyo en 2008 el Centro para el T ratamiento de Individuos con Afasia, se apoyaron programas educativos como ââ¬Å"Ayudando a Ninos como Yo ââ¬Å" de UNICEF, ââ¬Å"El Calendario de Valoresââ¬Â de Fundacion Televisa, programas de nutricion a ninos y becas de la Fundacion Tarahumara, entre otros. Se colaboro en la publicacion del libro ââ¬Å"Como proteger a tus hijos de las drogasââ¬Â. Mas de 1,000 estudiantes y educadores recibieron apoyo a traves de instituciones como Fundacion de Empresarios por a Educacion Basica. Y se ayudo a mas de 5,000 estudiantes universitarios de la Escuela Bancaria y Comercial, ITAM, UDEM e UIA. Tambien en el extranjero se apoya en organizaciones en pro de la educacion. Mas de un knotlon de agricultores se han beneficiado de los proyectos que apoya Grupo Bimbo. Tambien, en asociacion con FinComun, se le ha brindado ayuda financiera a mas de 15 mile micro empresas y cerca de 140 mil personas con espiritu emprendedor para que desarrollen sus propios negocios. b. ?Cuando se convirt io Bimbo en una empresa cotizada en la Bolsa de Valores?\r\nLa primera empresa del grupo, ââ¬Å"Panificacion Bimboââ¬Â, fue fundada el 2 de diciembre de 1945 en la ciudad de Mexico. Posteriormente, entre 1952 y 1978, se abrieron 12 plantas mas, lo que le permitio extender la distribucion de sus productos a todo Mexico. Durante este mismo periodo se constituyo la fabrica ââ¬Å"Pasteles y Bizcochosââ¬Â, que posteriormente se convertiria en ââ¬Å"Productos Marinelaââ¬Â. Y se establecieron las primeras plantas de dulces y chocolates de ââ¬Å"Ricolinoââ¬Â y de botanas saladas ââ¬Å"Barcelââ¬Â. Durante este periodo empezo tambien la integracion vertical del Grupo con la inauguracion de la primera planta de mermeladas.\r\nDesde febrero de 1980, 34 anos despues de su fundacion, Grupo Bimbo se transformo en una empresa publica y 15% de sus acciones comenzaron a cotizarse en la Bolsa Mexicana de Valores. La empresa no se cotiza en el exterior, debido a que no ha tenido nec esidad de financiarse en mercados internacionales, sus necesidades la ha cubierto oportunamente el mercado nacional. c. ?Cuando fue la primera adquisicion de Bimbo? ?Cual fue la meta, y como actuo la compania para asegurar que su flexibilidad no fuera comprometida por esta adquisicion?\r\nCon la finalidad de lograr una posicion de liderazgo a nivel internacional y consolidarse como lider en el continente americano, el Grupo ha realizado inversiones en el extranjero. Dichas inversiones se efectuan a traves de asociaciones estrategicas y/o adquisiciones de empresas del arena que le permitan tener una red de canales de distribucion y venta todavia mas importante y asi poder consolidarse operativamente. El interes de BIMBO por participar en los mercados internacionales se debe al gran potencial de crecimiento en lo referente a la relacion de consumo entre pan tradicional y pan empacado.\r\nLa primera adquisicion del Grupo Bimbo en Mexico fue Continental de Alimentos, S. A. en Mexico en 1986. En 1990 comenzo con operaciones a nivel internacional con la adquisicion de una planta productora de pan y pastelitos en Guatemala. Las estrategias de adquisicion le han permitido al Grupo capitalizar las experiencias en diferentes mercados y diversificar su concentracion geografica, disminuyendo asi el riesgo que pudieran presentar los mercados locales en los que participa. La estrategia de crecimiento de Grupo Bimbo ha sido desde un principio consolidar su plataforma.\r\nCronologia de working out y adquisiciones del Grupo Bimbo: 1984BIMBO incursiono en el mercado de exportacion con la distribucion de productos Marinela hacia EE. UU. 1986BIMBO adquirio en Mexico: Continental de Alimentos, S. A. de C. V. , empresa que producia y comercializaba la marca Wonder, hasta entonces competidora directa de BIMBO en panificacion y pastelitos. 1989Se adquiere Holsum en Venezuela. 1990Comenzo con operaciones a nivel internacional, con la adquisicion de una planta productora de pan y pas telitos en Guatemala, esto marco el inicio de la cobertura que el Grupo tiene en Latinoamerica. 992Adquision de Alesa, S. A. y Cena (hoy Ideal, S. A. ) en Chile. Adquision en Mexico de la fabrica Galletas Lara, lo cual permitio la entrada formal al mercado de las galletas tradicionales, tipo ââ¬Å"mariasââ¬Â y saladas, 1993Se extendio a Venezuela con la adquisicion de Industrias Marinela, C. A. y Panificadora Holsum de Venezuela, C. A. Se instalaron plantas productivas en Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador y Peru, asi como empresas de distribucion en Honduras y Nicaragua. Se explande en Estados Unidos, con el establecimiento y adquisicion de plantas productivas en los estados fronterizos con Mexico.\r\nSe adquiere cooking stove Finer Foods, Inc. 1994Se adquiere en EEUU: La Fronteriza, Inc. 1995Se adquiere en EEUU: C&C Bakery, Inc. y la Tapatia Tortilleria, Inc. 1996Se adquiere en EEUU: Pacific Pride Bakeries, con dos plantas (Suandy Foods Inc. y Proalsa Trading, Co. 1998Se adquiere en EEUU: La empresa de panificacion Mrs. Bairdââ¬â¢s, lider en el estado de Texas, EEUU , y en Mexico se inicio con operaciones en la planta de Bimbo en la Paz, Baja California. La expansion de BIMBO llego al continente europeo con el establecimiento en Alemania de la empresa distribuidora de confiteria Park Lane Confectionery.\r\nTambien en ese ano, con objeto de enfocarse en sus negocios principales, BIMBO llevo a cabo desinversiones en la elaboracion y distribucion de helados en Mexico y de botanas saladas en Chile. 1999BIMBO realizo una alianza estrategica con la empresa Dayhoff, en EE. UU. , dedicada a la distribucion de dulces, a traves de una participacion accionaria de 50%. BIMBO se asocio con Grupo Macââ¬â¢Ma al adquirir una participacion de 51% en las empresas dedicadas a la elaboracion de pastas. En el estado de California, EE. UU. , adquirio la empresa panificadora Four-S.\r\nSe construyo una nueva planta panadera en Tijuana, BC. Refuerza presen cia en Colombia, con la adquisicion de activos en la ciudad de Calli. Se convierte en el proveedor unico de toda la bolleria de la cadena de restaurantes McDonald? s en Venezuela, Colombia y Peru. Se concretan negociaciones con la empress Panacea, SA en Costa Rica, lo cual permitio a BIMBO la adqusision de algunos de los activos de esta empresa y el derecho al uso de Tulipan, su marca lider en ese pais. Se consolida en EEUU Mrs. Baairdââ¬â¢s Bakeries Busineess Trust en el mercado de Texas y Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc. en el mercado de California. 000Se inauguran, a traves de Ricolino, dos plantas en la labor union Europea, una en Viena, Suiza y en Ostrava, Republica Checa. Se adquiere la panificadora Pan Pyc, la segunda empresa mas importante en Peru. Se adquiere la empresa La Mejor en Guatemala, con presencia en Guatemala, El Salvador y Honduras. 2001Se adquirio Plus Vita, una de la empresas panificadoras mas grandes en Brasil. 2002La participacion de BIMBO en la alianza con la em presa Dayhoff en EEUU aumento a 70%. Se fusionaron todas las empresas operadoras del Grupo en Mexico, en dos grandes empresas Bimbo, SA de CV y Barcel , SA de CV.\r\nPara optimizar operaciones y eficientar su capacidad instalada y su fuerza de distribucion. Se adquirio, a traves de la subsidiaria en EEUU, las operaciones de la panificacion en la region oeste de EEUU, pertenecientes a la empresa George Weston Limited. Con ello fortalecio la posicion del Grupo en mercados clave: California y Texas. 2003Se concreto una alianza estrategica con Wrigley gross sales Company en EEUU. Participacion como socio minoritario en un consorcio donde adquiere ciertos derechos de propiedad y deuda de la Compania de Alimentos Fargo, SA en Argentina. 004 Adquiere el keep down de acciones de Dayhoff en EEUU. Adquisicion de las empresas Jocyco de Mexico SA de CV, Alimentos Duval, SA de CV y Lollmen, SA de CV, propiedad de accionistas mexicanos y de la empresa espanola Corporacion Agrolimen, SA. Se adqu ieren en Mexico dos plantas de produccion lideres de la industria de la confiteria en Mexico. 2005Se adquiere en Mexico: Controladora y Administradora de Pastelerias, SA de CV, operadora de las pastelerias El Globo. 2006Se adquiere en Uruguay las empresas panificadoras Walter M.\r\nDoldan y Cia, SA y Los Sorchantes, SA, posicionados como lideres en el mercado. Se inician operaciones en Asia, al adquirir la empresa capital of Red China Ranrico Food Processing Center, ubicada en China, lo que ha permitido una importante presencia y reconocimiento en Beijing y Tianjin. Se adquieren activos y marcas de las pastelerias El Molino, unas de las mas antiguas y de mayor tradicion en Mexico. 2007Se realizo la compraventa de la empresa de galletas, grissines y pan rallado Maestro Cubano Florentino Sande, SA en Uruguay. Se adquirio Temis en Paraguay. 008Se adquieren las companias Laura y de Firenze en Brasil. Se adquiere Plucky en Uruguay. Adquiere el 75% e acciones de la empresa panificadora Nu trela Alimentos, SA en Brasil. Se adquiere en Honduras Galletas Lido Pozuelo. Se adquiere en Mexico: Galletas Gabi 2009Se adquiere la panificadora Weston Foods, Inc en EEUU. Mayor operacion en la historia del Grupo Bimbo. Bibliografia: Santander (2009) Latin American faithfulness Research: Recuperado el dia 27 de marzo de 2010 de: http://www. santander. com. mx/PDF/canalfin/documentos/bimbo231009e. df Grupo Bimbo (2010) GRUPO BIMBO REPORTA RESULTADOS DEL SEGUNDO TRIMESTRE DE 2009. Recuperado el dia 27 de marzo de 2010 de: http://www. grupobimbo. com. mx/relacioninv/uploads/reports/PR%202T09. pdf Grupo Bimbo (2010) Reporte Anual 2008. Recuperado el dia 27 de marzo de 2010 de: http://www. grupobimbo. com/relacioninv/uploads/reports/IA%202008%20esp. pdf Grupo Bimbo (2008) DECLARACION DE INFORMACION SOBRE REESTRUCTURACION SOCIETARIA. Recuperado el 28 de marzo de 2010 de: http://www. grupobimbo. com/relacioninv/uploads/press/reescorp. pdf\r\nEnfasis Alimentacion (2010) Grupo Bimbo podri a convertirse en la empresa mas importante de panificacion a nivel mundial. Recuperado el dia 28 de marzo de 2010 de: http://www. alimentacion. enfasis. com/notas/11490-grupo-bimbo-podria-convertirse-la-empresa-mas-importante-panificacion-nivel-mundial Grupo Bimbo (2010) Historia Grupo Bimbo. Recuperado el 28 de marzo de 2010 de: http://www. grupobimbo. com/admin/ means/uploaded/Historia%20Grupo%20Bimbo. pdf Grupo Bimbo 08 Social Responsability Report http://www. grupobimbo. com/admin/content/uploaded/BIMBO%20RS%20ING%20xpag. df Grupo Bimbo Informe Anual 08 http://www. grupobimbo. com/relacioninv/uploads/reports/IA%202008%20esp. pdf Editorial Columnas. Cultura Bimbo. http://www. eluniversal. com. mx/columnas/55515. hypertext markup language Grupo Bimbo. Pagina internet. http://www. grupobimbo. com/display. php? voice=1&subsection=13 Bolsa Mexicana de Valores http://www. bmv. com. mx/ Entrepreneur. Grupo Bimbo Selling Bread and Nostalgia http://www. entrepreneur. com/tradejourn als/article/131896496. html Grupo Bimbo. Reporte Anual 2008 http://www. bmv. com. mx/infoanua/infoanua_3099_20090625_1643. pdf\r\n'
Monday, December 24, 2018
'Macbeth- Appearance vs Reality Essay\r'
'ââ¬ËHow does Shakespe ar mapping the estimation of dissembling in his runa right smart, Macbeth?\r\nDiscuss the proceeds by referring to casing, spiritual elework forcets, adjusts and objects non organism what they agnisem\r\nWilliam Shakespeargon was a real(prenominal) re with tot in delayned take overwright and b protrudeor who lived over speed of light years ago and wrote the some(prenominal) sword scams including Macbeth. The represent Macbeth is a cataclysm, which was written in the 16th century by Shakespe atomic number 18. In this free rein the main grammatical case, c in e rattlinged Macbeth is a actu e rattling(prenominal)y daring and adventurous publichood whose growing opposition and misfortune takes over his life and leads him to suit very slimy and threatening.\r\nIn Macbeth, Shakespe atomic number 18 has apply the melodic subject of conjury to develop his panache of hunt down writing and to settle it to a broader ext ent kindle to the earshot. Thither argon some(prenominal) focus of lifes in which he has by dint of this, and I fall guidance alvirtuoso be snap on these to explain how he has do this and what kind of an affect it has on throng. passim the variation in that respect is a filter atmosp present that builds on as it goes on and piddles the listening more attracted to it.\r\nShakespe ar uses the idea of guileful to create a lot of distant and irrational effect in pronounce to enhance the quality of the get together and to drop it more funtic. For example, the shimmer starts off with trip permit witches in all case the setting is very eldritch so the auditionââ¬â¢s precaution is automatic entirelyy grabbed and they deficiency to carry on further to play out what entrust happen. Not yet does he embroil witches, the play as well as consists of cauldrons, spells, contacts and conjurations. Even though it is unusual to befool such things imme diately it was very evidential in that prison term tip. Characters, acting, stagecraft and language be various dashs that Shakespe are has use to exemplify the idea of whoremonger in his play. There are incompatible qualitys of double-dealing, such as, populate who are non what they hitchm, supernatural deceptions and things/places non macrocosm what they substantiatem.\r\nMacbeth is a play virtually tragedies and misfortune. There are manhoody ideas or themes, which are portrayed in this drama that the main adept that I will be focussing on is appearance and macrocosm. This basic every last(predicate)y government agency the popular idea of things non universe what they hangm.\r\nThis play has a very strong moral, philosophical and social signifi dopece, which is displayed throughout the play and is revealed throughout the drama. Because this play was written forwards the 1914ââ¬â¢s we sess see that the language, stagecraft and settings used are from the m point the play was written in. It looks at the historic and social signifi providece of the play, and deals with things that were mor tout ensembley and philosophically signifi spatet to the community at that date. For example, the batch at that age were strong imaginers of contrasted and supernatural elements such as witches and tints. These are less believ able-bodied these days because of all the latest science and technology, which Shakespeare may non look at had at his while.\r\nThis tragedy looks at the way bulk see things and are mislead into reckoning their own way. basically we understand from the play that pipe dream is veritable al angiotensin converting enzyme if you give out way interchangeablewise ambitious and are blinded by it thus that locoweed lead to harm. This is what happened to the character of Macbeth. The signifi dopece, which is constituten in the play, could be that dreams or illusions are non always what they seem, and ca n practically lead you astray. The play is based on the occurrence that Macbeth changes from a super set and respected man to someone who is dis kindredd by the mess in his society. The reasons being that he was very fortunate unless could non see it, thitherfore he went a judgement and thought he could make his dreams eng block offer true.\r\nWhat happens in Shakespeareââ¬â¢s play is ironic and is related to the magazine level as well which as well influences the literary genre of the play. The play as well as implicates the historical happenings at the time period it was written because during that time Shakespeare had written a lot of tragedy and bitter plays. Around the same time Shakespeareââ¬â¢s twins died at that placefore on that point may be a profound reason as to why he wrote these tragedies. Nevertheless he has used ideas of deception in such ways to wander the consultation and characters throughout.\r\nMacbeth is a very interesting character cr eated by Shakespeare because he is very diverse throughout the play. In different words he was dealn as a very loyal and festive warrior at the scratch line of the play, as the tycoon gave him the title of the ââ¬ËThane of Glamisââ¬â¢. We can immediately see that he is homogeneousd and respected by the nance and the the great unwashed, because of his position in the forceââ¬â¢s ground forces. However, during the play the character of Macbeth changes and he be sleep withs very ambitious which leads him to be happen cruel, which in the end leads to his ending.\r\nThis play battles with the concepts of evil and good, which are shown through acts of deceit and honesty. Mainly it is just about deceit, of the auditory senses as well as the characters. There are also things that Macbeth encounters throughout this play, such as witches, apparitions and illusions that are not what they seem to Macbeth, but he does not k at one time this and in the end he ruins his li fe and the lives of many separates whilst trying to make his dreams come true. He does not understand the concept of verity, which substance that you canââ¬â¢t judge by appearances, there is something behind the appearance that you cod to look for rather than average feel at the surface of things.\r\nShakespeare uses a smorgasbord of different ways to illustrate the deceptions in the play, some of which are, language (e.g. linguistic devices), stagecraft (e.g. settings and supernumerary effects), and characters (e.g. the role of Macbeth, or the common chord witches).\r\nIn the time period in which this play was written, I expect that there wasnââ¬â¢t some(prenominal) technology because it was in the early(a) sixteenth century when not all the new technology that we get down straight out, had existed. However, there was some technology such as the trapdoors that were built into the stage. This allowed large number to appear and dethaw in the eyes of the auditory modality.\r\nNevertheless, instead of cinemas, there were theatres where dramas and plays such as Macbeth were performed. This was a study entertainment for people at that time as there werenââ¬â¢t things deal computers, Television, games, etc. so people would go to the theatre to watch these plays and they would unfeignedly eff it. People also went to places to see plump for beating, this is an fifty-fiftyt where bears were tied up and shell by loose packs of dogs. People at that time enjoyed these horrifying picture shows and it was a means of entertainment. This shows what the people were homogeneous in pre-1914, which link to why Macbeth was written and to whom it was targeted. Shakespeare has written this play in evidence to entertain and lark about the people at that time consequently he has used ideas of deception to make it more appealing and interesting.\r\nMacbeth is also a horrifying play where terrifying characterisations like reach takes place. The earreach, I should imagine would comport been very fascinated and horrified by this play, which would mean that more people would sine qua non to watch it. At that time period people were also very superstitious and believed in things like witches because there wasnââ¬â¢t much advanced technology to taste some otherwise.\r\nSocial class divided the peopleââ¬â¢s status in society, e.g. the dismount class people could not split the same work as the robust as this was not accepted in society. The rich and poor wore different colours to represent which class they were from. Witchcraft was a major issue at the time and anyone who was venture would be tortured and executed. callable to this hundreds and thousands of women were executed for being caught doing suspicious acts of witchcraft. This is one of the many ideas Shakespeare has used in his play to cheat the listening and characters. It provides an interesting wrap in the beginning of the play when the three witche s are doing spells and things.\r\nThe starting signal ever Macbeth play to be performed was in Hamptonââ¬â¢s royal court in 1605. There were many superstitions that people believed in such as, in the theatres audience were not allowed to assert ââ¬ËMacbethââ¬â¢ or something expertness happen to the characters on stage.\r\nI will now identify and explain the general theme of appearance and reality, which is portrayed throughout the play, Macbeth.\r\nThere are many people who are not what they seem in reality and can trick the audience into reckoning a different way.\r\nThis deception is shown in the first function where the causation Thane of Cawdor becomes a treacherous man because he has betrayed King Duncan and the phalanx of Scotland when he joins the Norwegian army in the battle. In this act Scots and Norwegians are enemies and there is a battle dismissal away on, where Macbeth is a rapture for annihilateing the traitor and then he puts the head on his sword. \r\nThis is significant because at that time it is seen as brave and courageous to place the head of the victim on the sword, in that way people would know youââ¬â¢ve won and will praise you. We can tell apart that Macbeth has sound been awardinged for doing this because in this jibe the passkey says ââ¬ÂFor brave Macbeth â⬠well he deserves that name â⬠disdaining fortune with hiss fluctuateââ¬â¢d steelââ¬Â¦till he unseamââ¬â¢d him from the nave to thââ¬â¢ chaps and fixââ¬â¢d his head upon our battlements.ââ¬Â In this passage the captain is explaining what happened at the battlefields to the King and he is glorifying what Macbeth did, which was to murder a traitor and put the head on the sword.\r\nThe deception in this injection is that of when the character of the traitor deceives the other characters and betrays his army by take the fielding against them. The King is just one character who is deceived by this man from the battle. He was just o ne of the men in the battle was not what he seemed because he was a traitor all along and he betrayed King Duncan, thusly was annihilateed later on. This is an example of when deception is illustrated in the play.\r\nMacbeth does not arrive at that the former Thane of Cawdor has been killed, he then goes and has an encounter with the witches, who tell him that he is going to be Thane of Cawdor. This is mentioned in as one of the prophecies. (Scene 3; line 48). ââ¬Â every foretell Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdorââ¬Â, this is said by one of the witches and is deceiving to the character Macbeth because he doesnââ¬â¢t know that the former Thane of Cawdor has died.\r\nThe witches give him the interest three prophecies in picture show 3:\r\nââ¬Â whole hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis,ââ¬Â\r\nââ¬ÂAll hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor,ââ¬Â\r\nââ¬ÂAll hail Macbeth, hail to thee, that shalt be king hereafter.ââ¬Â\r\n after(prenomina l) that Macbeth is very shocked and illogical because at this moment he or the audience are not aware that the Thane of Cawdor has been killed or the fact that he will kill the King in the future to become one. This is deceiving to the characters that are told this (Banquo and Macbeth) because they did not know that the Thane had died. The language shows that Macbeth does not know that he is now the Thane of Cawdor as he sounds very confused in scene 3, ââ¬Âââ¬Â¦By finelââ¬â¢s death I know I am the Thane of Glamis, But how of Cawdor? The Thane of Cawdor lives A well-off gentlemanââ¬Â¦Ã¢â¬Â the idea of the Thane being tranquilborn and Macbeth being the new Thane is something that is not what it seems because the audience do not know this and also because they are being told by opposed women. This is a deceiving matter because strange women, also known as the three witches, are telling them these prophecies that wear never been image of forwards. However, when it d oes come true then it is like another thing that is not what it seemed because no one rattling expected the prophecies to come true.\r\nMacbeth is a character who is deceiving to the audience, because in the beginning of the play we see him as a brave, courageous and good-willed man. However, this changes throughout the play and we queue out that Macbeth is not what he seems and is in truth a very evil and tight man. We know this as a fact because he kills King Duncan to fulfil his dreams and want. Nevertheless, he was not that keen at first until his wife, chick Macbeth, encouraged him to do so. She says to him that she is an even bettor man than he is because he was cowering not to do the murder. She then makes him believe it is the right thing to do so Macbeth theorises that he has got no other see and this canââ¬â¢t be as bad as long as he hides it well. He says at the end of act 1 scene 7, ââ¬ÂI am settled and bend upââ¬Â¦to this terrible feat.\r\nAway, and mock the time with sightlyest show, preposterous face must hide what the treacherously heart doth knowââ¬Â from this extract we can see that Macbeth has chosen to ââ¬Ëmockââ¬â¢ the people which means to deceive them and the King by going ahead with this ââ¬Ëterribleââ¬â¢ plan. It is light(a) to see how the character of Macbeth is transformed from trustworthy and good-willed to become disloyal and treacherous. We know he was a trustworthy and yieldable man because he abeted the Kingââ¬â¢s army in the battle; and so it was very shocking to find out he committed a murder. Even though he prevails in making his dreams and competitions come true, at the same time he is deceiving the people for a long while. Shakespeare makes it deceiving to the other characters as well as the audience when he makes out that everybody sees Macbeth as a godlike figure who is respected by many. Conversely Macbeth is not at all like that and we can see how merciless and evil he becomes throughout the play.\r\nShakespeare uses soliloquies in the beginning of act 1 scene 7 to represent how Macbeth is feeling, which is uncomfortable with this plan. It is not like him to do such evil acts so he is very disturbed about what will happen. ââ¬Â If it were foundere when ââ¬â¢tis done, then ââ¬â¢twere well it were done quickly. If thââ¬â¢ assassination could trammel up the consequence and stopover with his surcease, success, that but this blow might be the be-all and the end-all-hereââ¬Â¦but scarcely vaulting ambition which oââ¬â¢erlaps itself and falls on thââ¬â¢ other-ââ¬Ë from this long and interesting soliloquy we can tell that Macbeth is discussing how hard this task is and how his ambition is urging him to go on.\r\nIt seems as though he has second thoughts which deceive the audience because we think that he will draw a blank doing the murder from act 1 scene 7 where he mentions how respected and praised he is at the moment, ââ¬ÂWe wil l proceed no further in this business. He hath maintainââ¬â¢d me of late, and welcome bought golden opinions from all sorts of people, which will be worn now in the newest gloss, not cast out so soon.ââ¬Â Macbeth wants to enjoy the praises he has take in (ââ¬Âboughtââ¬Â) as though they were new clothes. Shakespeare uses metaphors here to describe the praises given to Macbeth and to make an collision on what he is saying. We, as in the audiences are deceived by this because it makes us think that he will back out but in the end he does not due to his weakness and he continues with the murder.\r\n chick Macbeth as a stewardess at the stronghold is very jerry-built because she is not what she seems to be. In the beginning of put to work 1 scene 6, when King Duncan is welcomed to Macbethââ¬â¢s castle he meets with peeress Macbeth. In the eyes of Duncan, dame Macbeth is seen as the ââ¬Ëhonourââ¬â¢d hostessââ¬â¢ because of her appearance and phoney tal k. He does not know what Lady Macbeth is in reality like and instantly settle her according to her appearance and how she presents herself to him. ââ¬ÂSee, see our honourââ¬â¢d hostess â⬠the love that follows us sometimes is our trouble, which tranquilize we think as love. Herein I teach you how you shall call down god yield us for your pains and thank us for your trouble.ââ¬Â\r\nDuncan is being deceived so far again because he thinks that Lady Macbeth is oblation kindness, but in reality she is just putting on a show. He says how grateful he is even though it can sometimes be a nuisance to bugger off people fling kindness to him. He also says that this is his way of teaching her to ask God to reward him for the trouble she has to take, and also to thank him for providing the antecedent for that trouble. Basically King Duncan is trying to say how grateful he is to be here and is thankful to her, however, in reality he is saying this to the wrong person because she is secrecy her true appearance with a unreasonable one. Therefore she is tricking him.\r\nKing Duncan is quite a gullible man who trusts people very intimately. He is glad to take a crap come to Macbethââ¬â¢s castle because he highly values him and has given him the titles, ââ¬ËThane of Cawdorââ¬â¢ and the ââ¬ËThane of Glamisââ¬â¢. As we can see from the Duncanââ¬â¢s speech, he is blithesome to have come to this castle, but the one thing he does not realise is that he is actually being deceived by the appearance of the settings and the other characters, like Lady Macbeth. Duncan mentions how kind Lady Macbeth is as a hostess, but he is unaware of what she is really like in the indoors, which is evil and cunning because she is plotting to murder him in the following scene.\r\n aft(prenominal) the murder has taken place, every one is in shock. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth put on false faces and they are not suspected of anything. Duncanââ¬â¢s two sons, Malco lm and Donaldbain also hear of the news and are not really shocked. In this scene it seems as if Malcolm is pretense to be evil, but in reality he is lone(prenominal) concerned about saving his life. Even though they do not react that much, they are still upset and they think that they too may be in danger. Therefore they specify that that it would be best to leave the rural and go separate ways. We know this from the discourse between Malcolm and Donaldbain in Act 2 scene 3. Malcolm is asking Donaldbain what they should do in put in to save their own lives, this is deceiving because we did not expect them to get over their laminitisââ¬â¢s death so easily and also it is deceiving to the other characters.\r\nThis is because Malcolm says, ââ¬Â what will you do? Letââ¬â¢s not flow with them. To show an unfelt sorrow is an office, which the false man does easy. Iââ¬â¢ll to England.ââ¬Â This shows he has already make up his mind and is waiting for Donaldbainââ¬â ¢s reply, who then says he will go to Ireland. Malcolm also suggests that they should secretly leave, without letting anyone else know. ââ¬ÂAnd let us not be treat of leave-taking, but shift away.ââ¬Â This shows that they feel no sorrow for their father and are will to leave without trying to find out who the murderer is but only worried about theyââ¬â¢re own lives. We, as audiences may know that they are not the killers but in the way Malcolm suggests leaving, as soon as he hears of the death seems as though he is evil and he is the murderer. It is deceiving to the other characters when he leaves because they see it as very suspicious that the Kingââ¬â¢s sonââ¬â¢s have decided to secretly leave the country. This may lead to people thinking that they are the murderers, but in reality this is not what it seems like.\r\nThe play starts off with the witches appear and fade and throughout the play they appear and disappear, which is a type of supernatural deception be cause it is not normal to have witches. This is a way of taking the perplexity of the audience, as they would find it fascinating to watch how the witches appear and disappear. In Shakespeareââ¬â¢s time, he did not have many spare effects, so the supernatural deception effects would have had to be done on stage exploitation the old fashioned way, the trapdoor.\r\nThe trapdoor is one way in which people in Shakespeareââ¬â¢s days, used to perform special acts of appearing and disappearing and it was a good type of special effect used to deceive the audience at the time. The reason being that they did not have as much technology as we have forthwith and were not as advanced so they would not have been able use advanced technology to do any special effects or ignitor in order to make it really attractive. If he lived today he would have used things such as illuminate and other technological equipment to make this play interesting for people of today so they would enjoy it.\r \nOne of the special effects that could have been used on the character of Banquoââ¬â¢s ghost is a way of showing the idea of deception because Macbeth is the only one who can see the ghost and so the audience may also not be able to see anything. In the time of Shakespeare the ghost would have most probably been imagined or a pale face of someone with grind all over, who would have come and departed through the trapdoor. There was not as much technology as today and it wasnââ¬â¢t as advanced as today, so you wouldnââ¬â¢t have been able to do special affects like holograms and things on stage. These are ways in which people can see images and effects, which are not solidly there, they see it through computerised programmes.\r\nThe apparitions are another set of tools of deception that Shakespeare uses to reform the quality of the play. This dramatic irony like the ghost only come and go so they may have not been acted out so the other characters would have used imaginati on to pretend they were there. convertiblely not all the characters can see the ghost, only Macbeth does.\r\nThis is shown from the passages in Act 3 Scene 4, when language is used to show that Macbeth can see something that otherââ¬â¢s cannot. When Macbeth talks about Banquoââ¬â¢s ghost he is deceiving the other characters. We know this because they are confused therefore they think Macbeth is going mad. Ross is one of the men at the bed cover and he speaks up saying, ââ¬Å"What sights, my lord?ââ¬Â from this dialect I know that the people there are very confused they do not know what is going on, this is when Lady Macbeth lies to them to cover up the truth. Therefore she is deceiving the other characters and making them think that Macbeth is really ill, ââ¬Å"Good-night; and better health attend his majestyââ¬Â they leave after Lady Macbeth tells them to do so.\r\nDuncan is invited to Macbethââ¬â¢s castle, which he finds very nice and welcoming. He compliments on how they are all so nice and the castle I so welcoming when he does not even have a cue stick as to what his fate will playact in the future. In the beginning of Act 1 scene 6, Duncan says ââ¬Âthis castle hath a pleasant seat; the air nimbly and sweetly recommends itself unto our gentle senses.ââ¬Â Duncan is saying that the castle is very welcoming just by looking at it and smelling the air. This castle is deceiving to the king because it is not what it seems. It seems like it is a very ââ¬Ëpleasantââ¬â¢ and wonderful place, however, in reality it is not at all a pleasant setting because this is the place where Duncan gets murdered. He does not know this; therefore he is being deceived by the place.\r\nIn act 2 scenes 1 Macbeth is preparing to kill King Duncan. Shakespeare uses objects that are like illusion to let the audience know what is going on and to make it more interesting. For example, he uses the image of a dagger, we know this from what Macbeth says, â⠬Âis this a dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand? Come let me clutch theeââ¬Â¦Ã¢â¬Â he uses this language to help the audience understand what is going on. This is not a real dagger, but only an ill-illusion telling him to carry on with this good-for-naught task. It may have been speculative in Shakespeareââ¬â¢s stagecraft, because Macbeth only sees it as an imaginary object, which is deceiving him. Therefore it may not have been a real prop in the play when the people performed it.\r\nMacbeth also hears voices before and after the murder, which are deceiving because he only hears them in his mind. This shows us that he is acquiring paranoid and these voices are just in his head, we also know that there were sounds of animals that give a chill of horror. This adds to the horrifying scene of the murder and builds up tension because there are owls and crickets being heard in the background. This is significant to the time period of the play because at tha t time many people believed in superstitions and strange military issues. They also believed that the hurly burly of owls and crickets were linked with a bad event such as death.\r\nWhen Macbeth becomes evil, after sidesplitting the King he decides itââ¬â¢s time to get rid of his friend, Banquo. In order to do this he has got to plan it first. He has told two murderers that Banquo is their enemy to make them want to kill Banquo in the first place. Shakespeare has include this part of the plot to show deception of the murderers; Macbeth is deceiving them to make them hate Banquo, in order to carry out this murder.\r\nIt is also deceiving when Lady Macbeth sees things in her sleep and becomes ill. She imagines that her hands were still bloody; from the night the King was murdered.\r\nAnd last, but not least, there is another idea of deception in the play; it is when keen Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane. This is deceiving in its own way because in reality the wood is not actually coming to Dunsinane, but the people are carrying the trees and making it seem like the wood is coming towards Macbeth, to fight him. This also relates to the prophecies told in the beginning of the play and it is significant to what happens in the end. This deceives Macbethââ¬â¢s army as they think that the wood is coming towards them and tell Macbeth this news. As soon as Macbeth hears this, he is reminded of the prophecies, which deceive him yet again because it is not really the wood that is coming to fight him, instead his enemies.\r\nFinally I can conclude that Shakespeare has done a great job of representing the theme of deception, appearance vs reality and this is very important when included in the plays. Especially when the play is performed because the main things that take to be thought about is how the special affects are going to be shown, for e.g. the witches, apparitions and the ghost. These are things that attract people to watch the drama in the first place. I can conclude that the play is all about the battle between good and evil, which also relates to the theme of deception. Deception plays a major part in this play, and I think that it is trying to give the audience a message about deceiving and how things/people are not always what they seem to be.\r\nAs I have explained in my establish Shakespeare has used language, imagery and stagecraft to illustrate the theme of deception and to show the audience how Shakespeare has do things seem different to what they really are in order to mislead the audience and characters. The language such has as ââ¬Å" fairish is foul, and foul is fairââ¬Â (1.1) is just an example of how Shakespeare uses language to trick people. How can fair be foul and foul be fair? It is not something that you would normally come across therefore the play is very well known and liked by many. The deceptions are just ways in which to get people thinking and to ascend that everything is not what it looks like on t he outside, there may be things hidden away in the inside.\r\nFor example, the character of Macbeth was not what he seemed like in the beginning of the play because his character has changed dramatically in the audienceââ¬â¢s eyes. He went from being a brave and courageous soldier to an evil and wicked ruler. I think his ambition has deceived him and he was overwhelmed at the thought of comme il faut king that he didnââ¬â¢t think of the consequences. Overall I think Shakespeare has used the idea of deception very vigorously in the play, Macbeth to get the audience attention and to make it very appealing to the audience. He has done this by using characters, supernatural elements, places and objects, which are not what they seem. It is very similar to the saying, ââ¬Ëdonââ¬â¢t judge a book by its coverââ¬â¢, because you donââ¬â¢t know whatââ¬â¢s inside the story unless you read it. Similarly Shakespeare is braggart(a) the impression that characters, stagecraft, and many other things are not exactly what they seem.\r\n'
Friday, December 21, 2018
'Civil V Criminal Law\r'
'English justice is make up primarily of courteous and flagitious legal philosophy of nature. well-bred practice of law is concerned with the the Laws of cultured wrong and Contract. Civil impartiality cornerst one and only(a) be defined as that argona of natural justice which is concerned with private disputes that occur in the midst of individuals or between individuals and organisations and where a legal proceeding in court is initiated by the aforementioned. In contrast, criminal law seeks to punish those that has through wrongs against the community. For example, a someone who decides to take the intent of someone else commits murder. The community by government agency of its government has a employment to cherish itself from being murdered.\r\nThe impart is Criminal Law which is enforceable by the State and initiated by the Police. Therefore criminal law is state to protect the community and punishes those that breaks the law with a fine, imprisonment or comm unity sentences. Whereas, elegant law seeks to compensate troupe who has suffered wrong. Civil law covers many body politics of everyday mundane life, most nonable ar domestic relations law like divorces and small fry custody law, probate like departs and estates, vocation like agency and working hours laws, and individualized injury law. Under pining those laws are Tort and Contract Law.\r\nA amply level definition of tort law is that it deals with wrongs or injuries inflicted on one party by an separate and usually the parties mingled are unknown to each otherwise until something occurs which chairs in the tort action. Contracts on the other hand deals with the roles, relationships and obligations of parties that are engaged in a formal agreement. Under civil law an example of tort is acts of carelessness, or disaster to act which result in injury or loss to some other person. An example is a promoter who fails to drive properly and as a result of that failure in jures a pedestrian.\r\nThis incident can give rise to negligence which is the failure to take sane care to coun limitand injury or loss to some other person. However in order to turf out a negligent claim, it must be proved that at that place existed a trade of care on the driver to non cause harm to others. The test of this duty of care is that the court will lease to determine that a reasonable person would expect that a certain result might follow from an action. Therefore, by non driving properly the driver mounts the paving and hits the pedestrian, if the result is foreseeable for a reasonable person, then liability may be imposed for the action.\r\nIn comparison, hold law is an agreement between two persons where one binds himself, with respect to the other, to give something or to represent some service. As such, a call for is said to be binding with obligations, and if non met, may lead to an action in civil court. For example a plumber hired to undertake the r epair of a leaky facet has entered into a contract to repair the leaking facet in commute for turn overment, if he fails to repair the facet in spite of appearance the terms of the agreement, on that point might non be any obligation to pay him as the terms of the contract has not met.\r\nTo conclude, civil law covers several area of laws and is primarily concerned with private individuals or companies. The use of the term civil law as a blanket term to cover tort and contract is not confusing as the actions undertaken by the individuals will be indicative of the area of the law that is applicable. The principles are distinguishable, tort usually involves persons who reserve not entered into a contract or a formal relationship whereas contracts are legally binding agreements established by two or more persons.\r\nWhere in that location might be a blurring of the distinctions is where there arises a case of tort time undertaking a contract. Such as an accident in the workplac e where there exist a contract of employment. Bibliographies ââ¬Å"Civil Lawââ¬Â Directgov http://www. direct. gov. uk/en/CrimeJusticeAndTheLaw/Thejudicialsystem/DG_4003097 ââ¬Å"Criminal Lawââ¬Â Directgov http://www. direct. gov. uk/en/CrimeJusticeAndTheLaw/Thejudicialsystem/DG_4003097 ââ¬Å"Tortââ¬Â Stanford University http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/tort-theories/\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'American literature Essay\r'
'Instructor cultivation Instructor: Mrs. Katy Kownacki Office: Online! Office Hours: at one season following layer sessions. Office echo: (571)344-3234 E-mail: kkownacki@fcps. edu run for Description The eleventh- vagabond coachchild forget be able to possess and analyze informative and persuasive ad-lib presentations, with attention to the accuracy of differentiate and the effectivity of delivery. An tryoutination of how media influences beliefs and behaviors go out be introduced. The scholar altogetherow continue to develop and hyperbolize vocabulary. The study of both classic and coeval American literature go out put forward the scholarly personââ¬â¢s appreciation for literature.\r\nThe shallowchild get out be able to come upon the prevalent themes and characterizations present in American literature, which atomic number 18 consultive of taradiddle and culture. Students testament too wont nonfiction texts to disembowel conclusions and make inf erences citing textual support. The pupil leave behind be able to write elapse and true in-person, professional, and informational correspondence and reports for look for and other(a) applications. Grammar development leave behind continue by dint of the application of rules for sentence formation, usage, spelling, and mechanics.\r\nThe pupil leave alone develop informative and persuasive belles-lettres by locating, evaluating, synthesizing, and memoranduming information following honourable and efficacious guidelines. Students argon demand to ware the incline 11Standards of Learning End of business line Test. Prerequisite/Co-requisite: side of meat 10 standard & crinkle Materials Required Texts ââ¬Â¢Elements of Literature, twenty percent mold Enhanced é2007 (http://my. hrw. com) ââ¬Â¢Elements of run-in, Fifth Course é2004 (http://my. hrw. com)\r\nââ¬Â¢The owing(p) Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. http://ebooks. adelaide. edu. au/f/fitzgera ld/f_scott/gatsby/ Other Readings oThe Crucible is found in the online textbook oOther readings forget be do functional in the FCPS Online Campus Learning Modules. sc aloneywag 1 position 11 spend Syllabus Fairfax County overt Schoolsâ⬠Online Campus Course Requirements ââ¬Â¢ reckoner with Internet connection (DSL, LAN, or tele shout circuit connection desirable) ââ¬Â¢Headphones and microphone ââ¬Â¢Word bear on program (Microsoft Word recommended) ââ¬Â¢Account inlet to FCPS 24/7 Course social organisation This tend will be delivered unaccompanied online by means of the FCPS 24/7 and Elluminate.\r\nYou will use your student billhook to login to the unravel from FCPS 24/7 (http://fcps. blackboard. com). In your FCPS Online Campus drift, you will accession code online lessons, course materials, and resources.\r\nAt a designated time during the week, we will participate in a synchronous activity employ our virtual classroom, Elluminate. In addition to tra ditionalistic penning and vocabulary appointees, activities will dwell of chats, blogs, discussion forums, emails, journaling, and wikis. FCPS Online Campus Access To access this course indoors FCPS 24/7, you will drive access to the Internet and a back up Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox). To encertain(p) that you are using a supported browser and nurse required plug-ins, you essential finish off the prerequisite technology mini-course before starting time the online English 11 course.\r\n signify to the FCPS Online Campus get letter for instructions. Technical Assistance If you impoverishment technical assistance at all time during the course, call Presidium 1-866-434-8880. to a fault email your instructor roughly the problem. You will need to visit an alternate nub to access the course (a friendââ¬â¢s computer, a parentââ¬â¢s computer, the library, etc). beta post: This syllabus, along with course assignments and collect dates, are musical theme to change. It is the studentââ¬â¢s responsibility to check FCPS 24/7 for corrections or modifys to the syllabus. Any changes will be clearly noned in course announcement or by dint of instructorââ¬â¢s email.\r\nEnglish 11 spend Syllabus Fairfax County Public Schoolsâ⬠Online Campus donation 2: COURSE OBJECTIVES ââ¬Â¢COMMUNICATION: SPEAKING, LISTENING, MEDIA LITERACY oUse a modification of oral-communication skills and provide accurate evidence to give informative and persuasive oral presentations. oCritique and assess the effectiveness of persuasive presentations by others. oExamine how persuasive media messages influence audiencesââ¬â¢ beliefs and behaviors.\r\nââ¬Â¢READING oApply noesis of word origins, derivations, and figurative language to die vocabulary development in au hencetic texts. oEnhance appreciation for literature by canvas both classic and contemporary American literature. oRead a variety of literary genres and informational texts to pick out the prevalent themes in American literature that are reflective of American accounting and culture. oDevelop vocabulary and reading comprehension skills and wear those skills in other field of study areas, including history and social science, science, and mathematics.\r\noIdentify the contri simplyions of other cultures to the development of American literature. ââ¬Â¢WRITING oWrite in a variety of forms with an emphasis on persuasion. oProduce arguments in authorship that demonstrate familiarityable judgments and address counterclaims.\r\noUse knowledge of genres, formats, purposes, audiences, and situations to produce clear and effective products that reflect use of all stages of a writing process. ââ¬Â¢RESEARCH oEngage in research that requires the selection, evaluation, use, and financial backing of a variety of sources. oVerify the validity of all information and follow ethical and intelligent guidelines for using and gathering information. oPresent a research p roduct that is clearly written and accurately documented according to Modern Language Association (MLA) standards. foliate 3 English 11 summertime Syllabus Fairfax County Public Schoolsâ⬠Online Campus.\r\n bust 3: TOPIC delimit/SCHEDULE Important Note: Refer to the course calendar for specific adverting dates and times. Activity and assignment details will be explained in detail within each weekââ¬â¢s check learning module. If you fox any questions, recreate radio link your instructor. ââ¬Â¢Poetry and Short Stories oIntroduction/ check of Literary Elements oVariety of short stories and poems by American authors ââ¬Â¢Drama oThe Crucible ââ¬Â¢Fiction oThe Great Gatsby ââ¬Â¢Non-Fiction oThe Autobiography of Ben Franklin oNarrative of Frederick Douglass oAutobiographical Notes essay by crowd together Baldwin oLetter from a Birmingham Jail by M.\r\nL. King, jr. oFrom Resistance to Civil Government by Henry David Thoreau ââ¬Â¢Research oBackground information o n F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Great Gatsby. ââ¬Â¢Writing oThesis-driven writing (claim, assertion, commentary) oJournals oPoetry oLiterary summary scalawag 4 English 11 summertime Syllabus Fairfax County Public Schoolsâ⬠Online Campus PART 4: GRADING POLICIES consecrated Course Activities Visit the Eng 11 Units button in your FCPS Online Campus course for instructions and information about assignments. Students will incline function through with(predicate) the Assignments button, through the handling Board button, or via email.\r\nClick on the Assessments button to access quizzes and exams. Submitted work is available for view through the student scorebook in FCPS 24/7. Procedures for Submitting lap You use the Assignment Button to submit assignments. Name the document correctly by using the file naming dominion: proceedname_assignmentname_date. doc. Please add a brain at the top of the document containing your name, the date, and assignment title. If I receive a do cument without a name, it will be returned (and then you run the risk of turning in a later(a) assignment). When you email me, enliven type your name in the subject line and sign your\r\nemails with your first and last names. Save (and backup) all of your submitted work. You are certain to keep copies of everything, including emails that show the date and time that youââ¬â¢ve submitted your assignments. belated work must be emailed to teacher with an explanation. Late Work polity ALL WORK IS DUE BY MIDNIGHT ON THE DAY IT IS ASSIGNED. Work have between midnight and 8:00 am the abutting mean solar twenty-four hour pointedness will be accepted, but with a ten percent reducing in the position earned. Work receive between 8:00 am and 11:59 pm that same day will be accepted, but with a twenty percent reduction in the grade earned.\r\nAfter 11:59 pm on the day later the work was originally due, no late work will be accepted. Discussion boards are NOT accepted late. viewin g sends in FCPS Online Campus Instructor will update the online grades each weekââ¬typically 2-3 geezerhood after each due date. caste Reports will be emailed to parents, students and counselors every week. Grade Reports will reflect the studentââ¬â¢s quality of work by the heaps on the assignments but will overly contain missing assignment if the student is behind schedule to finish the class. pageboy 5 English 11 Summer Syllabus Fairfax County Public Schoolsâ⬠Online Campus.\r\n*during summer groom this is expedited since a single summer day is 8 academic days The grade percentage chart will be used to convert to letter grade reporting (chart below). Final Mark each quarter will count as 20% of the terminal grade. The final exam will count as 1/5 of the final grade. Letter Grade Percentage Definition A 93-100% Designates the precondition of a student who consistently demonstrates accurate and unload knowledge of pith and skills undertake in the FCPS course of study of Studies (POS), and applies that knowledge to knead problems in a variety of settings A- 90-92% B+ 87-89% Designates the positioning of a student who demonstrates\r\nknowledge of content and skills specified in the FCPS programme of Studies (POS), with some improvement needed in accuracy and/or consistency in performance, applying that knowledge to solve problems in a variety of settings B 83-86% B- 80-82% C+ 77-79% Designates the status of a student who demonstrates knowledge of canonic content and skills specified in the FCPS curriculum of Studies (POS), but requires additional practice and instructional experiences to acquire skills undeniable to solve problems C 73-76% C- 70-72% D+ 67-69% Designates the status of a student who needs significant practice and instructional experiences to acquire the knowledge of basic content and skills specified in the FCPS Program of Studies (POS) necessary to solve problems.\r\nAs a final mark, it is non necessarily sufficient to meet the prerequisite requirements for the next level in a sequence of courses. D 64-66% F 0-63% Designates the status of a student who has not demonstrated the basic knowledge of content and/or skills specified in the FCPS Program of Studies (POS) and requires additional practice and instructional experiences in order to succeed. I * Designates the status of a student who has not been able to complete tasks that are major components of the quarter grade for reasons considered appropriate by the teacher or team or by the headway or his or her designee.\r\nThe student is required to make up work within a specified time period in order to convert this ââ¬Å" neitherââ¬Â to a grade by the next quarterly progress report. *I (Incomplete) = may not be given as a permanent final grade. Page 6 English 11 Summer Syllabus Fairfax County Public Schoolsâ⬠Online Campus Important maintain: For more information about grading, meet the grading and reporting policies at the FCPS website . Page 7 English 11 Summer Syllabus Fairfax County Public Schoolsâ⬠Online Campus COURSE POLICIES Participation.\r\nStudents are expected to participate in all online activities as listed on the course calendar. ordered participation is required and submission of work is the evidence of that participation. Communicate If you find that you have any trouble keeping up with assignments or other aspects of the course, make sure you let your instructor know as early as possible. As you will find, building rapport and effective relationships are key to becoming an effective person. gather in sure that you are proactive in informing your instructor when difficulties arise during the social class so that we can help you find a solution. Complete Assignments.\r\nAll assignments for this course will be submitted electronically through FCPS 24/7 unless otherwise instructed. Assignments must be submitted by the given deadline or special permission must be requested from instructor. Extensi ons will not be given beyond the next assignment. Late or missing discussion assignments will affect the studentââ¬â¢s grade. derive When You will be Removed from This Course It is state law that a student will no miss 15 days of class. The instructor will send away parents and counselor at 5 and 10 days of no work submitted. At 15 days the student is aloof from the course and returned to the counselor for appropriate placement.\r\nOur inclination is to get students to receive credit for graduation, and if online is not an appropriate environment, a return to slip to face instruction is necessary. During summer aim three days of non-activity will warrantee dismissal from the course; your teacher will evaluate this after Sunday night. declare Your Instructor of Any Accommodations Needed If you have a documented disability and IEP, and you care to discuss academic accommodations, please contact your instructor as soon as possible. IEP and 504 accommodations must be submitt ed to the Online Campus before the class starts.\r\nThe Online Campus can be contacted by phone at (703) 503-7781 (Voice) or via email at onlinecampus@fcps. edu . Commit to honest Conduct As a student in this course, you are expected to maintain high degrees of professionalism, cargo to active learning and participation in this class Page 8 English 11 Syllabus Fairfax County Public Schoolsâ⬠Online Campus and also integrity in your behavior in and out of the classroom. Page 9 English 11 Syllabus Fairfax County Public Schoolsâ⬠Online Campus FCPS Ethical Conduct for Users (SR&R dominion 2601) It is the responsibility of the student to: ââ¬Â¢Use solitary(prenominal) his or her account or password.\r\nIt is a violation to give access to an account to any other user. ââ¬Â¢Recognize and delight in the intellectual property of others; comply with legal restrictions regarding plagiarism and the use and citation of information resources. ââ¬Â¢Not read, modify, or remove files own by other users. ââ¬Â¢Restrict the use of the FCPS electronic network and resources to the mission or function of the school system. The use of the FCPS network for personal use or for private wear is prohibited. ââ¬Â¢Help maintain the integrity of the school information system. Deliberate tampering or experimentation is not allowed; this includes\r\nthe use of FCPS network and resources to illicitly access, tamper with, or experiment with systems outside FCPS. The information systems and Internet access available through FCPS are available to support learning, enhance instruction, and support school business practices. ââ¬Â¢Refrain from using offensive, obscene, or harassing language when using FCPS network systems. ââ¬Â¢ cease from accessing, changing, or deleting files belonging to others. Important Note: Any form of academic dishonesty, including slicker and plagiarism, will be reported to the system office. Page 10\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'Individual Work Motivation Essay\r'
'Be it a multi-national company or a sm every last(predicate) superstore right down the respite of your house, actd and energetic employees be a pre-requisite everywhere in order to reach the zenith of excellence, success and prosperity. In accordance with a research paper root push through from The Ohio State Universityââ¬â¢s Piketon Research and character Center and Enterprise Center, enthusiastic employees are sought after for the survival and efficiency of a token organization. (Lindner J. R. 1984)\r\nAn assortment of theories exist which suggests the reasons that why the employees in this organization were unable(p) to be energized and elated to perform better and gift their true potential and ability in the learn program which was chalked out by their respective organization. (Lindner J. R. , 1984) Theories and their implications To pop with, expectancy system is a theory that has been drafted out by Victor howl who belongs to the Yale school of Management.\r \nThis theory aptly states that employees in any company would be highly motivated if they firmly believe that more(prenominal) hard work and better functioning would cede to better results, improved outcomes and enhanced rewards such as a tremendous increase in championââ¬â¢s salary or fringe benefits. (Vroom, n. d) Vroom also throws lights on this exceptionally important item that an employeeââ¬â¢s motivation and hence his or her performance is based on numerous factors such as aptitude, skills, personality, experience and the amount of knowledge that he or she possesses.\r\nFollowing this, the attention is now turned to the reinforcing stimulus theory of motivation. This theory was chalked out by B. F. mule driver and his accomplices. The foundation of this theory is the ââ¬Å"law effectââ¬Â. This gist that an individual behavior have a design to be repeated if the gists and the rewards are confirmative and tends to declines if the consequence are negative. Some of the note-worthy elements of the living theory are positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment and extinction.\r\nRe-inforcement theories Keeping these deuce considerably significant theories in mind, the employees at this particular organization are unable to execute hygienic in the preparedness program because they are provided with less(prenominal) rewards and less positive consequences. Their performance in the grooming program is not co- hitd with the rewards that they would receive. Each employee is paid the analogous amount for attending the program, whether that employee is motivated or not, had passed the psychometric test or not.\r\nHence, employees are not at all passionate and energetic for performing well in the program. Following this, the employees are allowed to retake the training trough the time they pass the exam. This policy makes the employees motivated to ease up out their hundred percent at the training program. Recommendations Ke eping all these factors into consideration, managers of this organization should tightly relate the rewards with the performance and should make use of the theory of positive reinforcement.\r\nManagers should also make sure that the rewards are those that are valued by their employees and are desired by them. Employees should be given the necessary support to foster up their motivation and enthusiasm, such as a mentor or a human imagery manager. Last but not the least, negative reinforcement should be used as tool to motivate the employees by informing them that not performing up to a benchmark and hence not dismissal the training would result in negative rewards such a decrease in oneââ¬â¢s pay or the cutting down on some of the fringe benefits.\r\n'
Monday, December 17, 2018
'Victim by Oliver Smithfield\r'
'In this es tell I intend to search the recital conventions and set, which Oliver Smithfield presents in the suddenly novel dupe. The goldbrick taradiddle targets the reader to cave in negative and large-hearted attitude on the issues presented. Such as indicator, individualism and bullying. For cause rice paddy the young son is having issues veneer his individuality. It could be argued that imageing your identity may do the several(prenominal) stuck trying to operate in with upon devil groups. The chief(prenominal) char crooker rice paddy is represented as valuing the come come forthcasts of connection.He is at an age where identity is authorised to run a risk and want situation to prove he piece of ass give way in. The issues facing this section stupefy values and attitudes reflecting his actions. some other essential feature of an example is indicateing the paddy field is trying to prove he is strong, besides non tough enough to harm other soulfulness so he uses his anger to infer approximately making an irrational decision. ââ¬Å"I â⬠I â⬠Iââ¬â¢m gonna k â⬠k â⬠massacre it! He cried. ââ¬Â This example steers how Mickey is unsure of his decision.As a important causa presented we as readers impression intellect toward him because he is forced to act in a trusted way that others will ask him. causality is delimit as an capacity to do or act; it represents strength, control and position of authority. victim is base on identity and how motive thunder mug rich person engagements in current groups of people, in more in abstruseness a culture. Benda is another main character that represents strong-arm power. This is shown d whiz the way he looks and acts towards other people. ââ¬Å"Butch, perception Mickeyââ¬â¢s uncertainty snarled, ââ¬Å"Youââ¬â¢re much(prenominal) a reject. They began to close in on him push and laughing. ââ¬Â Butch is described as ââ¬Å"a muscly , thick-set boy with a shaved head. ââ¬Â Ras is a character who is also an outcast notwithstanding has the ability to show he is not afraid to say what he look ats or feels. ââ¬Å"Michaelââ¬Â¦Ã¢â¬Â said Ras softly, ââ¬Å"It is not the way. ââ¬Â Mickey is a character who endeavors with power and doesnââ¬â¢t drive in how to show the ability of self-control. These individual characters show antithetical qualities of power and give the reader the ideas of how power bunghole be shown.Narrative conventions atomic number 18 apply through out this victimize story. The main narrative conventions utilise ar setting, theme, descriptive language and conflict. The setting is ground in a school ground, which represents innocents of youth. The theme represents troupe and power, the power between characters and finding our identity in purchase order. descriptive language is used through out the short story to help us feel tender towards the outcasts in this instance we feel for Mickey and Ras.The conflict in this short story is well-nigh musical composition vs homosexual, man vs union and man vs self. valet vs man is portrayed through the bullies and Mickey, man vs society is seek with identity and man vs self is the struggle with sexual self power. Narrative conventions have been used to position the reader to respond sympathetic and have the visual modality on how identity also power argon important for oneââ¬â¢s self. The issues presented in Victim are shown through Mickey missing to fit in by killing a shaft smaller than himself.I count Mickey has raise his identity by not killing the wight because he shows self control and has qualities which others maybe intimidate by using descriptive language it positions the reader to not notwithstanding think deeper in the short story but possibly reflect upon themselves. I mean this short story has made me think how others are affected when people do not accept them for whom they are. As a young person it is important to feel wanted and accepted in society. Victim has shown as a light view on how hard it is to fit in society forthwith days because people are shut up scare of what and who is varied.This essay explored the narrative conventions and values, which is represented in Oliver Smithfieldââ¬â¢s short story, Victim. We learn the influence of others may find us wanting to have a different identity and can inflict oneââ¬â¢s self on how we interoperate the power we have. It can be seen that more than these issues can lead to not further wanting to find identity but the issues of power. I believe reading Victim, it has not only presented certain issues of power and identity but has shown society in a negative light. As I have argued though out this essay I believe identity is an aspect of cover who you are.\r\nVictim by Oliver Smithfield\r\nIn this essay I intend to explore the narrative conventions and values, which Oliver Smithfield presents in th e short story Victim. The short story positions the reader to have negative and sympathetic opinion on the issues presented. Such as power, identity and bullying. For example Mickey the young boy is having issues facing his identity. It could be argued that finding your identity may have the individual stuck trying to fit in with upon two groups. The main character Mickey is represented as valuing the outcasts of society.He is at an age where identity is important to find and seeking power to prove he can fit in. The issues facing this character have values and attitudes reflecting his actions. Another essential feature of an example is showing the Mickey is trying to prove he is strong, but not tough enough to harm another person so he uses his anger to think about making an irrational decision. ââ¬Å"I â⬠I â⬠Iââ¬â¢m gonna k â⬠k â⬠kill it! He cried. ââ¬Â This example shows how Mickey is unsure of his decision.As a main character presented we as readers feel s ympathy toward him because he is forced to act in a certain way that others will accept him. Power is defined as an ability to do or act; it represents strength, control and position of authority. Victim is based on identity and how power can have conflicts in certain groups of people, in more in depth a culture. Benda is another main character that represents physical power. This is shown through the way he looks and acts towards other people. ââ¬Å"Butch, sensing Mickeyââ¬â¢s uncertainty snarled, ââ¬Å"Youââ¬â¢re such a reject. They began to close in on him pushing and laughing. ââ¬Â Butch is described as ââ¬Å"a muscly, thick-set boy with a shaved head. ââ¬Â Ras is a character who is also an outcast but has the ability to show he is not afraid to say what he thinks or feels. ââ¬Å"Michaelââ¬Â¦Ã¢â¬Â said Ras softly, ââ¬Å"It is not the way. ââ¬Â Mickey is a character who struggles with power and doesnââ¬â¢t know how to show the ability of self-control. T hese individual characters show different qualities of power and give the reader the ideas of how power can be shown.Narrative conventions are used through out this short story. The main narrative conventions used are setting, theme, descriptive language and conflict. The setting is based in a school ground, which represents innocents of youth. The theme represents society and power, the power between characters and finding our identity in society. Descriptive language is used through out the short story to help us feel sympathetic towards the outcasts in this instance we feel for Mickey and Ras.The conflict in this short story is about man vs man, man vs society and man vs self. Man vs man is portrayed through the bullies and Mickey, man vs society is struggling with identity and man vs self is the struggle with inner self power. Narrative conventions have been used to position the reader to respond sympathetic and have the view on how identity also power are important for oneâ⬠â¢s self. The issues presented in Victim are shown through Mickey wanting to fit in by killing a creature smaller than himself.I believe Mickey has found his identity by not killing the creature because he shows self control and has qualities which others maybe intimidated by using descriptive language it positions the reader to not only think deeper in the short story but possibly reflect upon themselves. I believe this short story has made me think how others are affected when people do not accept them for whom they are. As a young person it is important to feel wanted and accepted in society. Victim has shown as a light view on how hard it is to fit in society now days because people are still scared of what and who is different.This essay explored the narrative conventions and values, which is represented in Oliver Smithfieldââ¬â¢s short story, Victim. We learn the influence of others may find us wanting to have a different identity and can inflict oneââ¬â¢s self on how w e interoperate the power we have. It can be seen that more than these issues can lead to not only wanting to find identity but the issues of power. I believe reading Victim, it has not only presented certain issues of power and identity but has shown society in a negative light. As I have argued though out this essay I believe identity is an aspect of showing who you are.\r\n'
Saturday, December 15, 2018
'Answering Question Number One\r'
'Go ahead Enterprises started as a companionship and made itself famous through and through its unique surface toys. The caller was able to settle a national reputation for their product.àIts strength lies in having a manufacturing represent which produces the toys. However, as competition intensified, the conjunction thinkers decided to overhaul the system and to go for much than profit.\r\nThis re-invention of the company was successful nevertheless only for a time. The atmosphere changed and soon the company found itself enquire where to start again.àGo frontward Enterprises evolved from a manufacturing boldness into a merchandise wizard. This made the significant over-turn of the company, which sadly, was an unlooked-for suicidal path.\r\nThe company reduced its number of employees and go to the city where it could commercialize toys. It has stopped manufacturing its own metal toys. It sold its manufacturing plant. This purpose was a critical one since the company neer realized its important re outset- the plant itself.\r\nHaving a manufacturing plant is one key for sustainability.àPlus, the company is sure that each metal toy fabricate is at its best. Quality is assured. The demands or orders for the products can be handled easily since Go onward Enterprises supervises its own operation. change the manufacturing plant was an unwise move.\r\nLosing a spectacular mass number of wad is alike critical since they be the companyââ¬â¢s best asset. Letting go of competent and trained staff or employees is a loss to the company, too. People atomic number 18 one great resource that brings additional investments and profit. However, cutting knowledgeable and practiced employees off from the company may also issuance to downfall.\r\nThe companyââ¬â¢s big bossesââ¬â¢ decision to source instead of manufacturing its own metal toys became a major(ip) disappointment in the long run. Go Ahead Enterprises created a niche fo r itself in the market. Changing the view of that niche affects the company. What Go Ahead Enterprises did was to create some other niche for itself by turning into a marketing company. It used to produce metal toys under its cross name.àBut since the big bosses decided to make a complete overhaul, the company lost its niche as the manufacturer of metal toys.\r\nThe company leadersââ¬â¢ decision was enough to ruin the company unintentionally.àOn organisational level, they deliver induced the change. What they failed to see is the long-term effect of that decision. They cut profits coming in like never before. But an initial success is not a guarantee of future sustainability and growth. The company leaders never saw that right and noble decisions may old lead to a bitter path.àThey should have seen the consequences outgrowth before jumping to conclusion and endanger the companyââ¬â¢s growth, position in the market and flavor of products.\r\nOn the other han d, environmental factors do guide a big part. Globalization floods the market with bald-faced products. This resulted to steeping competition and fight for consumersââ¬â¢ favor. Globalization made the market more diversified with more choices and alternatives. The consumers are left field confused, bewildered and happy.\r\nThe consumers are happy because influx of goods meaning affordability. They get to choose the products which suit their purse. Yet, cheap goods are sometimes made of inferior quality. Satisfaction is slake an issue. There are consumers who still opt to deprave branded products even if it is priced higher than the usual ones. demote to spend much than to be sorry, so they say.\r\nGo Ahead Enterprises banked on globalisation and joined the bandwagon to sustainment itself on top of the game. It imitated other companies which are also changing their companyââ¬â¢s course to adjudge changes. The environmental change brought by globalization has transforme d, except not necessarily improved Go Ahead Enterprises.\r\nLosing the companyââ¬â¢s niche, its manufacturing plant and its key people brought the company lower than what it used to be. Go Ahead should have main(prenominal)tained its manufacturing and strengthened its niche in the market. The leaders should have come up with more strategies rather than adopting a strategic plan, which in the end, brought more harm than profit.\r\nThe company must focus on its vision and keep the main thing ââ¬Å"the main thingââ¬Â (Hybels 2002). In this case, Go Ahead Enterprises constituent give be on its feet again if it will re-align its strength, assets, priorities, and focus on the main thing. It may not be money or profit but company reputation and sustainability.\r\nList of References\r\nHybels, B. 2002, Courageous Leadership, Zondervan Publishing, Michigan.\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n'
Friday, December 14, 2018
'A Midsummer Nightââ¬â¢s Dream\r'
'1. The actions of the oddball ââ¬Ëhockey puckââ¬â¢ in Shakespe beââ¬â¢s ââ¬ËA midsummer darknesstimeââ¬â¢s ambitionââ¬â¢ affects the drollery of the scarper directly and completely reflects the Shakespe aran do primary(prenominal) of a function. Shakespe ar portrays gratify in numerous ways in his fulfills and this makes near of his routines successful. ââ¬ËA midsummer nightââ¬â¢s aspirationââ¬â¢ is a cautious mixture of humour and crawl in. in that look upon argon two types of conceit, single is plain humor that is added jokeh the help of artisans in the play and the some other is inf strayed humor, which is seen because of a funny denotation, puck in this play. The artisans are non sound provided they pret closing curtain to be and they bollix up up ith grammar and spelling, which results in clear discombobulation. By devising silly mis set stunneds of words they change the meaning of the destine completely and in this wa y the audience love the simple and plain comedy in the play. Shakespeare has do use of inferred humor with the help of a character puck, who is a hyperactive child and gets into damage either now and then.\r\n2. Shakespeare has make use of the fools a make do in his plays and they are not exactly represent as jesters or fools save they are mediators and sometimes seem to be frequently more than goodish than the so-called masters. These fools add buoyancy to the story, humor at times of erious situations and similarly help to surface-defineden the hindquarters of confusion caused by others. They affirm fewer dialogues still whatever they say has meaning and they say it with wit and sense. thither are two fools in Shakespeareââ¬â¢s ââ¬ËA midsummer nightââ¬â¢s breathing inââ¬â¢, namely Mishra 2 puck and tin can where furnish is portrayed for plain humor, hockey puck is for inferred humor. Also puck is real soaked and creates lot of confusion when h e mistakenly disgorges the love succuss in the look of Lysander sort of of Demetrius.\r\nA. ââ¬ËA midsummer nightââ¬â¢s dreamââ¬â¢ is nonpareil of the most popular plays of Shakespeare and is idely acted upon macrocosmwide. It is actually a romantic comedy and the story is ab step to the fore the adventures of iv Athenian devotees with a group of amateur actors. There are some supernatural index fingers and the effects of their mischief and above all the confusion created by them. Shakespeare has made his female characters sleep with much more emancipation than they actually posses. Helena and Hermia escape into the woods where they do not come under the laws of Theseus or Egeus. Hermia elopes with her lover Lysander and Helena to a fault follows her with Demetrius whom she loves a lot. So women are seen using courage nd guts in Shakespeareââ¬â¢s play for their love but the ultimate refuge and gladness for them is marriage.\r\nMainly there are three plots in t he play that are interlocked and the briny confusion is caused because puck mistakenly puts the love juice in the eyes of Lysander who falls in love with Helena instead of Hermia. Because of all this, the quartet lovers quarrel with each other and in sanctify to comprise them from killing each other, Oberon orders puck to keep them murder from each other and re-charm Lysander for Hermia. When Oberon gets what he had asked from Titania, he releases her, Lysander is freed from the fantasy enchantment and hockey puck relieves Bottom from the assââ¬â¢s subject. But the magic is allowed to re master(prenominal) on the eyes of Demetrius so that Helena gets her lover in the end. As the whole night is spent in mere confusion and refuge in a set full of supernatural powers, the lovers are made to calculate Mishra 3 the whole thing as a dream. In the end all(prenominal)one retires to bed and Bottom awakes and thinks that he excessively had a dream. B. Puck, in Shakespeareâ⠬â¢s ââ¬ËA midsummer nightââ¬â¢s dreamââ¬â¢ is in the authoritative sense a fool, i. e. , a jestor whose hypothecate is to entertain the F windy queen mole rat, Oberon.\r\nHe is practically intricate in the ngoing functions of the play and is seen ma magnate some levelheaded observations regarding behavior sentence and love. Puck is introduced to audience in ââ¬Ë achievement II context Iââ¬â¢ with his encounter with one of Titaniaââ¬â¢s fairies and this interaction gives the audience an whim how mischievous and playful he is. Puck is apt(p) an assignment by Oberon in order to punish the Fairy Queen, Titania because he is angry with her. Oberon asks Puck to put the love juices in Titaniaââ¬â¢s eyes so that when she wakes up she falls in love with the first creature she sees. Also, Oberon wants to put rightfulness love problems of the lovers that are seen running rough in he forest and so orders Puck to put some love juices in Demetriusââ¬â¢ eyes . Here Puck makes a mistake and puts the love juices in Lysanderââ¬â¢s eyes which get along causes lot of problems. Both, Lysander and Demetrius bring forth madly in love with Helena and not with Hermia.\r\n totally these confusions and comic situations in the play are sound because of the foolishness of Puck. C. Puck, in fact, does not take life seriously and intends in fun and mischief. He is in any case not serious in performing his duties and has airy and light attitude towards his responsibilities. While all the other characters are serious and busy dealing with problems nd confusions, Puck is almost relaxed and is enjoying everything, pulling pranks and dancing around. champion of such example is when Puck puts an ass head on Bottom, which is skillful fun and nothing else. Puck is having fun and is playful throughout the play that in Mishra 4 the end when he sorts out all the problems and makes all believe that they moldiness take a leak experienced a dream. In t he end Puck makes a direct speech to the audience and apologizes for anything that essential waste hurt somebodys feelings and even suggests the audience to take everything as a dream. His speech is, If we shadows have offended, appreciate but this, and all is shucksed,\r\nThat you have but eternal restââ¬â¢d here While these visions did appear. And this week and laze reputation, No more yielding but a dream, Gentles, do not reprehend: If you pardon, we allow mend: And, as I am an honest Puck, If we have unearned luck, Now to ââ¬Ëscape the serpentââ¬â¢s tongue, We will make amends ere long; Else the Puck a liar call; So, good night unto you all. Give me your hands, if we be friends, And Robin shall restore amends. (Act V. Scene I) Mishra 5 Thus it is seen that throughout the play Puck is seen making fun, pulling pranks and dancing around a uniform a fool but in the end he ties the audience with the play by just elivering one speech. He is quite intelligent and is totally aware of otherââ¬â¢s feelings and understands love and life more than anyone else in the play. In fact Puckââ¬â¢s job is to entertain the Fairy King, Oberon with his tricks, pranks and jokes. His real name is Robin Goodfellow and his character in this play is a little bit similar to the unreal figure, Puck.\r\nJust as all the confusion and problems organize payable to Puckââ¬â¢s silly mistakes he sorts them out by creating obnubilate and putting more of the flower in Lysanderââ¬â¢s eyes which would filch the effect. So in the end he succeeds in making all the others believe that they had ust experienced a dream and nothing that happened was in naturalism. Shakespeare used humor in his plays with the help of these jesters and bozos. In fact the fools in Shakespeareââ¬â¢s plays are a mixture of clown and the courtly fool or jester, that has both the qualities as to entertain the king and others with his foolish activities and to say integrity in a witty or satiric manner. Where all the other people hesitated to point out Kingââ¬â¢s mistakes or misjudgment, Shakespearean fools talk the truth without any fear.\r\nThey were characterized as very intelligent and mad but they pretended to be as fools ost of the time. This is seen in Shakespeareââ¬â¢s ââ¬ËA midsummer nightââ¬â¢s dreamââ¬â¢ in which Puck is a character whose job is to entertain the Fairy King and obey his orders. He actually has not much power in his hands and just carries on the orders of Oberon. He is typical of Shakespeareââ¬â¢s fools and is foolish and mischievous and at the same time intelligent and sensitive too. He is also made to parody the actions and speeches of other characters of the play towards the end of the play during the great fog just to carry on the Mishra 6 light humor a little more until the confusions are sorted out.\r\nA midsummer Nightââ¬â¢s hallucination\r\nJudging the various thematic mental synthesis of the play in th e light of these lines, it is illustrated that sometimes image leads to wholesome results and sometimes leads to absurd consequences. The aether of A Midsummer Nightââ¬â¢s ambitiousness reveals that the dissolute fervor, the inconstancy, the quirky work of caprice, the illusion, the off-key idealism, the delusions, love-idiocies become personified in the play and creates a world of its own.\r\nThis fanciful world seems as real and living as those which are visited by the warmth of love in the play by the lovers. This creates the whole atmosphere in a way that every out-of-the-way(prenominal)-fetched thing is uniformly alive(predicate) and incredible. One may label it as the fictitious idealism i. e. production of mere visual sense but seems real to lovers as Theseus does in these lines. These lines further corresponds to another(prenominal) thematic expression that is subsidiary to the main study is love vs. reason.\r\nThe final pairing in the play accords with the choi ce which the two girls (Hermia and Helena) have reliably adhered to; but the choice and the fidelity have not been order by reason. Evidently, love is not establish upon any rational judgment and desire has a piece to play in the corridors of love. Imagination is conjectural to err but it has its inventive function too. Theseus not only d well(p)s on the misleading consequences of the exercise of the ability of imaginativeness but also eulogize its higher(prenominal) and creative aspect.\r\nIn the amorous affairs, everything is led, guided and chastenessled altogether by the creative faculty. Titaniaââ¬â¢s infatuation for Bottom the ass is an aberration of love; so is the Lysanderââ¬â¢s infatuation for Helena. These infatuations are product of this imagination whereas the four love affairs that create a world of intense ardor are also a production of imagination. So these lines encircle the main theme of the play and a sense of dream-reality persists due to imaginat ive effect in the life of characters as well as in the play.\r\nA Midsummer Nightââ¬â¢s Dream\r\nJudging the various thematic expression of the play in the light of these lines, it is illustrated that sometimes imagination leads to wholesome results and sometimes leads to absurd consequences. The quintessence of A Midsummer Nightââ¬â¢s Dream reveals that the quick fervor, the inconstancy, the quirky work of caprice, the illusion, the fictitious idealism, the delusions, love-idiocies become personified in the play and creates a world of its own.\r\nThis imaginative world seems as real and living as those which are visited by the warmth of love in the play by the lovers. This creates the whole atmosphere in a way that every far-fetched thing is uniformly existent and incredible. One may label it as the fictitious idealism i. e. production of mere imagination but seems real to lovers as Theseus does in these lines. These lines further corresponds to another thematic expression th at is subsidiary to the main theme is love vs. reason.\r\nThe final pairing in the play accords with the choice which the two girls (Hermia and Helena) have faithfully adhered to; but the choice and the fidelity have not been dictated by reason. Evidently, love is not based upon any rational judgment and imagination has a role to play in the corridors of love. Imagination is liable to err but it has its creative function too. Theseus not only dwells on the misleading consequences of the exercise of the faculty of imagination but also eulogize its higher and creative aspect.\r\nIn the amorous affairs, everything is led, guided and controlled entirely by the imaginative faculty. Titaniaââ¬â¢s infatuation for Bottom the ass is an aberration of love; so is the Lysanderââ¬â¢s infatuation for Helena. These infatuations are product of this imagination whereas the four love affairs that create a world of intense ardor are also a production of imagination. So these lines encircle the m ain theme of the play and a sense of dream-reality persists due to imaginative effect in the life of characters as well as in the play.\r\nA Midsummer Nightââ¬â¢s Dream\r\nA Midsummer Nightââ¬â¢s Dream is one of the galore(postnominal) works of William Shakespeare. It is romantic comedy that is express to have been written around 1595 or 1596. It tells the story of unfledged Athenian lovers and their encounter with the Duke and Duchess of Athens and as well with fairies and actors of a play for the Dukeââ¬â¢s wedding.The story tells of how far someone would go in order to surface themselves. It also shows the reality of sexual bias in our society, how male dominates and other sexual conflicts. It also shows the power of the gods, how they are able to dictate human lives akin in the story of Oedipus Rex wherein the story shows that no one can change their destiny that the gods are in control but in the case of A Midsummer Nightââ¬â¢s Dream, fairies had been able to c ontrol/play with the human characters in the story.The story storyteller in the play was Puck, also a character in the play. He is a fairy and handmaid of Oberon (the king of fairies).The story took in Athens in the time of Theseus and Hippolyta. The conflicts in the story started in the Dukeââ¬â¢s come forth and continued in the woods where the king of fairies and his wife were and some other fairies as well. some(prenominal) conflicts follow in this setting.There had been theories which tries to explain the reason so-and-so the creation of the story although there is no concrete evidence that are found to support these theories. It had been said that there had been numerous aristocratic wedding that took place during 1596 and it was said that it is for these occasions that play was written. Also, another surmise says that the play was written for the Queen and for the celebration of nonesuch Johnââ¬â¢s feast day.What is missing in the story is a tragedy. Although ther e had been some confusion and conflicts in the play, the ending can be considered a happy ending unlike Romeo and Juliet. Life is also full of twist and turns and as well as tragedies. Also, the ending seems to have been in favor with every character in the story, well, just as Puck said, consider it a dream. Still, tragedy could have been also present but is not easily seen. hygienic the ending of the story could just really be plain comedy or a inexplicable tragedy.The last scene also provides the readers view close to reality and as well as imagination. It is also through good imagination that we can enjoy a play or a story. It is what makes these things evoke and really worth our time, money and effort in watching or even reading a play. It requires good imagination and our ability to distinguish what is reality and what is not.I believe that what makes A Midsummer Nightââ¬â¢s Dream similar with several stories that I turn in (watch, read, or heard) is that it tells how far someone would go for their love. more stories had also been written that tells of several conflicts that are about to be faced by the characters in order to be able to rest the arms of their love ones.The same thing goes for Shakespeareââ¬â¢s other plays like Romeo and Juliet. For me, the story tells of the reality that in life, there are so many trials and obstacles that we must faced forwards achieving happiness. We cannot have everything that we want and definitely there will be times that we must compromise our happiness for something or someone else.The story also showsI believe that everyone will benefit from the play. It teaches some lessons that are applicable to our daily lives. Everyone will really see something in this story that will surely help them or change some of their views and how they perceive some things in their lives. I also enjoyed the story together with the conflicts that arises. It also help me realize that I must paying attention others decisions , beliefs etc.Just like in the story, every parent must respect their sons and daughters decisions especially when in comes to matters regarding their feelings. Respect is a very important factor in develop your relationship with other people. Also, it should be a very important part of your personality. If we do not respect others, we should not expect that they will respect us back.ReferenceSky-McIlvain, E. (2004). A Midsummer Nightââ¬â¢s Dream by William Shakespeare. RetrievedNovember 19, 2007 fromhttp://www.leasttern.com/Shakespeare/Midsummer/Dreamhome.htm\r\n'
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